

Socotra lies East of the Somali Peninsula, also known as the Horn of Africa. The Island belongs to the Republic of Yemen but has since 2016 been under the rule of the United Arab Emirates.

We made a brief stop in Socotra in February 2023 for refueling purposes only. (This can be arranged through an agent without properly clearing in and without obtaining visas.

The reason why we did not go ashore and enjoy this spectacular Island, was that we had an Israeli crew onboard. (Yemen does not recognize Israel as a state, among many other countries in this part of the world, and even just making a stop without clearing in was extremely dodgy. For their and your own safety I would not recommend stopping here with Israelis onboard).

Riley on the bow in front of Socotra Island

“…As we get closer to Socotra, we now realize that what we thought was a massive dark cloud hanging heavy over the glowing sand dunes, is in fact not a cloud but a jagged mountain range coursing the whole length of Socotra, like the spine of a sleeping dragon. It is truly mind-blowing…” (From the Log Book day 12 from Maldives)


The process depends on whether you are stopping just for refueling purposes or going ashore to explore the Island. But regardless you need an Agent.

We used the below mentioned Agent, and he was good, I just wish he had been more honest with the reality of stopping here for refueling with Israeli crew onboard, instead of telling me we would have no issues.

FEES (As of Feb 2023)

  • Agent Service Fee = US$ 200
  • Diesel = US$ 1.5/L (Cheaper diesel is available but the quality is also poorer)
  • Delivery to the boat = US $ 15-30
  • Water (Non-Drinking) = Free (but a small fee might apply for delivery to the boat)



Socotra Satellite Image
Socotra Anchorage Satellite image


This anchorage is located at Ghubba Di-Hadiboh on the north Coast. It is important to know that this “harbour” / anchorage only offers protection in the NE Monsoon season. In the opposite season the strong winds and swell makes this anchorage unattainable.

12°40.842’N 054°04.342’E
8 meters on sand bottom with Excellent Holding